Quarantine made me bored– really, really bored. Inevitably I spent 75% of my day on Tiktok and the other 25% rotating between eating and sleeping. Eventually my hands started to itch and my brain kept telling me to make something; and so my sticker shop was born.

The Brand

After doing some research spending hours scrolling through Instagram, I realized I needed a mascot to help my shop stand out. Dinosaurs happened to be one of the only animals I could draw mildly well from memory so. . .

Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 2.46.43 PM.png

The Product

The one-man show: illustrating, printing and cutting all of the stickers. In order to keep engagement for my sticker shop up, I released new designs every two weeks. These are some of my favorites.




The Result

Although I could've done better on the art and the marketing, I was able to learn a lot from this experience from both a business and artistic standpoint. Over the course of its lifetime, the sticker shop got around 700 sales (500 on Etsy and 200 elsewhere) and the Etsy bestseller designation.
